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Prezi can help you design a creative new look for your career project!

Wix is a free website development tool with professional looking templates to make your career project pop!

Glogster provides a user-friendly interface to help you create interactive digital poster boards!

For your final assignment you will create a presentation or write a paper summarizing your favorite book that you read over the summer.  You may create your presentation on poster board or you may create a digital presentation using PowerPoint, Prezi, Glogster, Wix or any other presentation tool of your choice.  Your presentations and papers will be presented when you return to school in August.


Essential Question: What was your favorite book you read this summer and why? Share the following information about your book:

  • Author

  • Illustrator

  • Basic summary

  • Favorite part



  • The students will be able to describe the overall structure of a story including describing how the beginning introduces the story, the middle provides major events and challenges, and the ending concludes the action.

  • The students will be able to use information gained from the illustrations and words in a print or digital text to demonstrate understanding of its characters, setting, or plot.

  • The students will be able to ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.


Below you will find a rubric for both the presentation and the writing piece. Please use the rubric to help guide you through the completion of your project. 

Final Project: My Favorite Book

Presentation Tools

The following websites and tutorials can help you create a digital presentation of your favorite book!

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